
Jeroen Dam

SEO specialist

Jeroen Dam is a content specialist at Onder. He gets energy from writing texts that make an impact for your website. He does this by building a bridge between the needs of your target audience and the added value of your product or service. In combination with SEO's best practices, together we go for results.

While studying commercial economics, his passion for online marketing was born. At a German webshop, he had the opportunity to gain flying hours in the SEO department. Since then, he is convinced that SEO as a channel acts as the foundation of your online marketing strategy.

In his spare time, he likes to be with his friends. Running and squash keep him sharp and indoors he likes to read a good non-fiction book.

More about Jeroen Dam

  • What's currently on your bucket list?
    Trans Mongolia Express from Moscow to Beijing through beautiful Mongolia.
  • Favourite dinner
  • What is your favourite animal and why?
    Dogs because I babysat them a lot and then you are out and about or lively in the house. In the future there will be a dog of my own.
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Any questions?

Get in touch! :) we are happy to help you with all your SEO questions

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