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Image system 1 vs system 2

Applying System 1 and System 2 to your website

25-7-2024 Conversion optimisation Cynthia Bos

If I tell you that you can split processes in your brain into a process we call System 1 (fast, intuitive processes) and a System 2 (slower, analytical processes), with which do you think you make most decisions? Spoiler: it is a complicated interplay between the two systems, but most of the time you will use System 1. System 1 and System 2 are concepts described by Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking Fast and Slow.

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Applying System 1 and System 2 to your website

25-7-2024 Conversion optimisation Cynthia Bos

If I tell you that you can split processes in your brain into a process we call System 1 (fast, intuitive processes) and a System 2 (slower, analytical processes), with which do you think you make most decisions? Spoiler: it is a complicated interplay between the two systems, but most of the time you will use System 1. System 1 and System 2 are concepts described by Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking Fast and Slow.

Image system 1 vs system 2

Ecommerce SEO: This is how to handle your out-of-stock pages properly

18-7-2024 Google, How to/DIY, Other, Technical SEO Tristan Staal

Do you recognise this? You want to quickly buy a handbag for the holidays and start your search in Google to do so. You scroll hard past the intrusive shopping ads. Finally, you are in calm waters among the organic search results. You scan the first few pages and find a shop that suits you. You click, and to your great surprise, you see 'Out of stock'. Click, back to Google! Unfortunately, it happens regularly to large ecommerce websites that sold-out pages appear in Google.

Visual from Blog on Ecommerce SEO

Google's battle with difficult search queries

11-7-2024 News Linde van Gurp

Delve into how Google handles difficult searches and what this means for your SEO strategy. Google's search algorithm is known for its ability to interpret human language. Yet certain words and sentence structures, such as 'not' and prepositions, remain challenging. These nuances in language use can confuse search engines and lead to less accurate search results. Why does Google struggle with prepositions and other keywords? The complexity of language is in what we say and how we say it. Words like 'not'

Google E-E-A-T more than a ranking factor

11-7-2024 News Linde van Gurp

Find out how to leverage your website's expertise, experience, authority, and reliability to improve your SEO. The term E-E-A-T (expertise, experience, authority, and reliability) remains a key pillar for SEO. Google has clarified that although E-E-A-T is not a direct ranking factor, it is an important onder part of how they assess content quality. This offers insight into how quality metrics can affect your search rankings and what you can do to optimise your site. What does

visual news message SEO

Google's June 2024 spam update

11-7-2024 News Linde van Gurp

Find out what Google's latest spam update means for your website and how you can take advantage of it. Every year, Google introduces updates to refine its search algorithm. These changes affect how websites are rated and ranked. In June 2024, Google launched a major spam update that redefines the rules. This update affects how websites must structure their content to stay high in search results. What does the new spam update entail? Google designed this update to make spam techniques harder

Visual spam update news message

Magento plus and minuses from SEO point of view

1-7-2024 (Content) marketing, How to/DIY Ivo Nijboer

It is one of the most popular webshop platforms because of its extensive product page and multi-store options. I take you through important considerations when looking for the right CMS for your webshop or website, zooming in on the advantages and disadvantages from a SEO point of view. This time especially about Magento, looking specifically at the current Magento2 environment. Magento has several features that make it attractive to website owners. 3 general advantages are: Magento has extensive integration capabilities with

Writing for SEO: the HUMMSTAL method

18-6-2024 (Content) marketing, How to/DIY Ineke Withaar-Colijn

Writing for SEO is about adding SEO elements so that search engines better understand what your page is about. There are 8 key on-page SEO elements. For our SEO training courses, I developed a mnemonic: HUMMSTAL. With this, you will never forget a SEO element again and ensure a good foundation for your findability. Let's get started! HUMMSTAL stands for Why write for SEO? When I give SEO training, I always ask, "Who are you creating a webpage for?". There is no one who says, "For

The role of social media on your SEO results

13-6-2024 (Content) marketing Mariska Pike

For a long time, we really saw social media separately from SEO and said it had no impact on your SEO results. However, we have since changed our opinion and believe that social media definitely contributes positively to your SEO results. All but a few people use some form of social media (and usually more than one). So be sure to address your target audience on social media. Google, of course, is not

Building authority within a cluster? This is how we do it

6-6-2024 (Content) marketing, EEAT, How to/DIY Jesse Commandeur

To rank well in Google, your website must comply with E-E-A-T guidelines. Therefore, you need to make sure you target all onder parts of E-E-A-T. In this article, we will tell you more about creating clusters around certain onderwerpen. We also tell you more about building authority around key search terms. How do you start? First, do a search analysis for your website. You find out which terms have a lot of search volume and little competition. This

Sell better with the right words in your text

28-5-2024 (Content) marketing, How to/DIY, Other Jeroen Dam

Suppose you have written a product text for a client's website. It complies with SEO best practices. Namely, you have added relevant keywords, meta titles and a headline structure. Visitors come in but the page fails to convert them into customers. Chances are you're not using the right words in your text. That sours because you or your colleague spent valuable time and energy writing this text. The

sell better with the right words in your text

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