Author: Mariska Snoek

7 tips voor het maken van een succesvolle contentkalender

27-2-2025 (Content) marketing, How to/DIY, Other Sanne Pasterkamp Kramer

“Kun jij even iets op social media zetten? We hebben al een tijdje niets gepost.” Veel marketingmedewerkers krijgen spontaan jeuk van deze vraag. Want wat is het doel van deze post? Heeft de doelgroep interesse in deze content? En krijgt je doelgroep het überhaupt te zien of zijn de mensen die jij wilt bereiken op een heel ander platform te vinden? Je merkt het al: content plaatsen doe je niet zomaar. Het vraagt om een strategische en tegelijkertijd praktische aanpak.

visualisatie 7 tips contentkalender met pen

Optimise your website with our SEO content checklist

23-1-2025 (Content) marketing, How to/DIY Mariska Snoek

You want more visitors to your website, but where do you start? SEO is one of the most effective ways to increase your online visibility. Yet it can be hard not to overlook anything. With our free updated SEO content checklist, you can prepare your website for better search engine rankings and more traffic. A practical and complete list you can use right away! Why a SEO checklist is indispensable Optimising a page for SEO costs

Download the on-page SEO content checklist

The role of social media on your SEO results

13-6-2024 (Content) marketing Mariska Snoek

For a long time, we really saw social media separately from SEO and said it had no impact on your SEO results. However, we have since changed our opinion and believe that social media definitely contributes positively to your SEO results. All but a few people use some form of social media (and usually more than one). So be sure to address your target audience on social media. Google, of course, is not

Search Intent and SEO

19-10-2023 (Content) marketing Mariska Snoek

Search intent (or search intention in Dutch) is the reason behind a search query. In other words, it is what the user is looking for when using a search engine like Google. Google prioritises relevant search results. With all the helpful content updates over the past year, this is also becoming increasingly important. So if you want to rank in Google, your content needs to be the most relevant result for the search query. And that starts with creating content

Search intent & SEO

A good FAQ page (with FAQ markup!)

9-6-2023 Other Mariska Snoek

Whatever industry you operate in online, there are always frequently asked questions from customers that you have to answer over and over again. An example is shipping costs, return policy, etc. But a good FAQ page does more: it relieves your customer service, makes sure your customers quickly find an answer to their question, prevents ambiguity and not unimportantly, FAQs enrich your content and improve the online findability of your website (onder other by applying FAQ schema markup). But how

FAQ page with FAQ markup

Helpful content, what is it and what to do with it?

22-2-2023 (Content) marketing Mariska Snoek

Let's start with some statistics: There is no telling how much content can be found online and how much time we spend every day reading and processing all the content we are presented with in a day. For as long as we can remember, content has been an important onder part of good search engine rankings. So it makes sense that Google is rolling out all kinds of updates to determine which content is best. So it is also logical that there are all kinds of developments

What is helpful content? And what should you do with it?

Viewing results UA vs GA4

10-11-2022 Other, How to/DIY Mariska Snoek

Whereas before (I think) a lot of people were still hoping GA4 would die a quiet death, it is really coming. We will all have to get on board and get going with GA4. Although Google initially used UA's expiry date of 1 July 2023, this has already been pushed back a year to 1 July 2024. This means we have another year to get familiar with GA4. But take some time

SEO reporting and Data Studio

1-9-2022 Other, Google, How to/DIY Mariska Snoek

Is the first of the new month approaching again? Then it's time to look back at last month's results. Almost every marketing manager will agree with this. With a SEO report, you map out what you have achieved, what the challenges are and the follow-up steps to make these challenges a success. And no, a report should not just consist of a SEO dashboard with some nice charts and expensive

SEO reporting and Data Studio

The ins and outs of a good internal link structure

18-5-2022 (Content) marketing Mariska Snoek

The website structure is the basis of a website. You can compare the structure of your website to a house. The more solid the foundation is, the more solid the house (website) is. For both visitors and Google, a logical and structured website is important. But why? And how do you get started with this? I'll explain that to you hereonder, including 7 tips. What is internal link structure? The internal link structure of your website are all the internal links that point to other important

Improve internal link structure on your website

Updating old content = SEO boost

10-3-2022 (Content) marketing Mariska Snoek

If you have been writing blog posts and articles for your website for a long time, there is no escaping the fact that the content becomes outdated after a while. Reviving old content is worthwhile. Not only do your readers like recent content, but Google also likes content that is completely up to date. And the beauty of updating your old content is that you can now use data and results from your page to improve your

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