

Better visibility for this Zwolle-based video production and video marketing agency

Fideo is an enthusiastic Zwolle-based agency specialising in video production and video marketing. The website plays an increasingly important role in Fideo's marketing. And we as Onder are doing our bit to make that happen. We help Fideo achieve better findability and better conversion. In this case study, we are happy to tell you how!

How we got started

Search terms are obviously central to the SEO approach we have in place. We started with a comprehensive search analysis, to find out in which areas Fideo could bring in relevant sessions. The topics on the Fideo.co.uk website can be roughly divided into two groups:

  • Expertises. Think for example of video productions, video marketing or livestreams
  • Productions. For example, corporate films, animation films or instructional films

In the end, we came up with a list of just over 200 search terms in the field of video marketing and video production. We recently supplemented this list to 400 search terms.

Corona developments in search focus

Initially, the pandemic for Fideo brought with it the difficulty that production teams could hardly film on location, if at all. The lockdown from March 2020 also had its impact on search behaviour in Google. There were fewer searches for search terms like aftermovie (mainly after events that no longer took place) and product film. On the other hand, search demand for certain productions and areas of expertise did improve (livestream, webinar, animation film). We were able to take this into account in the order of work.

SEO and conversion advice

The focus in the service for Fideo is hybrid: there is a challenge to get more visibility in Google. We also want to get the most out of website visitors. We are personally convinced that an optimal user experience and match between page and search query, leads to greater success. 

We started at the beginning of the collaboration by creating a roadmap in Trello, in which we plotted all the areas of improvement needed for success. Every month, we brief the right ones:

  • Technical improvements, so we can take these up with Fideo and the developer
  • Content enhancements, allowing Fideo to add and improve pages itself
  • Conversion improvements, so that in consultation with Fideo we arrive at some concrete changes in visitor flow. To analyse visitor behaviour, we use Clarity and Google Analytics.

In this case, we describe two concrete advice on SEO and conversion:

Speed advisory

Fideo attaches great importance to corporate identity and branding, which is clearly reflected in the website. However, lots of moving images and large elements also make for relatively heavy pages. Speed is important from both the SEO and conversion perspectives. So we pretty quickly committed to a concrete speed recommendation, which the developer then set to work on. This speed advice consisted of:

  • Advice in optimising images (scaling, compression, lazy loading)
  • Implementing browser caching and an expire header of 365 days

The effect was and is a website that still has the look and feel befitting a video marketing agency, yet also has the speed improvement we were looking for. And we have seen that in the figures since the implementation of the advice:

Analytics case fideo

Google Analytics and Clarity analysis

At some point, there is a considerable upward trend in the number of visitors to the Fideo website. The task, of course, is to convince these visitors of the services Fideo can provide. Much of that convincing takes place by showing the portfolio of productions. But we know that the visitor flow can also be optimised so that visitors find what they are looking for more easily.

For this, we did analysis in Clarity and Google Analytics. Clarity is a kind of 'Hotjar' tool from Microsoft that provides onder other insights:

  • What the visitor clicks on
  • How one scrolls
  • How one behaves sight (in the form of recordings you can watch)

Four key points emerged from this analysis:

  1. On long pages, there is a lot of drop-off, people do not scroll through. The moment 'Folds' (intermediate blocks that help the user move on) are used, it solves this problem
  2. The slideshow animation produces a lot of dead clicks. Speeding up (or removing) the slideshow solves this
  3. The cases page is not good in terms of sorting. The sorting should be based from top to bottom on the best cases and the most popular services at the time
  4. Case pages have a relatively high exit. There will need to be a clear call to action on the case page to an affiliated product

The improvements are currently being implemented, so soon we will be able to measure the success.

The scroll data analysis looked as follows:

Results and success

As the website has become more crawlable and indexable, in addition to putting a lot of care into the content extensions, we have managed to achieve a nice steady growth:

Apart from a few dips (1st lockdown and summer holidays), we see an increasing number of clicks and, above all, an increasing number of impressions. The latter is partly due to the large number of additional search terms that Fideo is found on these days (50% growth in the number of search terms matching Fideo.co.uk).

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Our team consists of enthusiastic SEO specialists who are happy to work with you for the best results.

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SEO office Onder Zwolle

Read our testimonials!

Renzo van Dongen

Renzo van Dongen

Digital content manager Peugeot

Whether it's about content or technical adjustments, it doesn't matter. Martijn briefs this in a very clear way so that it can be implemented locally or by our head office in France. [...] Since the start of our collaboration, we have achieved great results. Keep it up!

Marien van Stegeren

Eigenaar Kitcentrum

When your online onder venture grows, expectations often grow too, in every area. To a large extent, we were in control of SEO and its interpretation ourselves. We found out that our own "general view" was no longer sufficient, so we engaged Bureau Onder. Surprising and clear. We have built up a fine collaboration, partly because Martijn also regularly visits our office with Eline or Mariska (depending on the case), which is very valuable to us!

Marten Stellingwerf


Martijn and Mariska make the SEO story understandable for the layman and are happy to think along with us. It is nice that there is a personal contact moment every month with an extensive report and the opportunity to talk everything through. After just a few months, Onder has already managed to achieve number 1 positions on Google with some of our webshop pages. We are very satisfied with Onder.

Mark Prummel

SEO Specialist Stella Fietsen

For several years, Onder has been a valued partner of Stella. Martijn is my sparring partner for complex SEO issues and the extra pair of critical eyes that keeps us on our toes. Together, we have achieved nice growth in online visibility, visitor numbers and leads. Onder onder stands out for its short lines of communication and professionalism. They speak our language: don't nag, get down to business. That is what we love!


  • Insights on SEO
  • For beginners and advanced specialists
  • From experiments to developments at Google and from
    best practices to our own cases
  • A look behind the scenes at Onder

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