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"Onder helped us with SEO, SEA and link building. Mainly, Mariska and Tristan have guided us. There is always an informal and casual atmosphere during our monthly meetings. Mariska and Tristan keep us on our toes and think well across SEO and SEA.

Although we needed a run-up to achieve our initial success, we now have nice positions in Google to grab. Alongside a structured SEO approach, we have demonstrably brought in leads and sales through SEO and SEA. With the help of Onder, we have achieved great results, whereonder brought in a lead that generated 50K sales."

Testimonial Pixelpillow

Milan van Bruggen

image about company logo

Shift to Solar

"Agency Onder onderis supporting us with SEO and we are very satisfied with this. Martijn, Cynthia, Mariska and Leanne are assisting us in this process. Cooperation with this team is excellent. The team thinks along proactively, which really helps us in terms of online marketing.

Shift to Solar experiences this collaboration as extremely positive, as it completely relieves us of the burden. Onder has helped us increase our brand awareness and attract more customers. In addition, they have improved the SEO migration of our website in the right direction. We would definitely recommend Bureau Onder, as we have done several times in the past!" 

Rens van Gurp 
Shift to Solar

Photo of a person

Rens van Gurp

Founder Shift to Solar

SEO advanced training

"It was a nice informative training. It helped me a step further. Clear and easy to follow, as it is not everyday material for me. Furthermore, a good alternation of theory and how to put it into practice."

Bas Smit

Funeral director

SEO training

"It was very instructive. Theory was coupled with practice. I personally would have liked a bit more depth, but that's because I already have some experience and knowledge of SEO. In addition, I found it somewhat disturbing that other participants were busy with other things. This could have been overseen a bit more, but apart from that, Ineke really told a lot and she really does this very clearly. It really gives you a stepping stone to improve your own website."

Testimonial good stay

Rieneke Gerritsen

Marketing officer
Logo ONK poker

ONK Poker

"Onder engaged a full team to scrutinise our website from several key SEO aspects onder. In doing so, Bart, Ivo, Jesse and Martijn worked thoroughly and were able to identify important problems for each onder section. The audit gave us concrete action points, which were clearly formulated by Onder in a Trello board. Through these action points, we as a team can get to work in a targeted way to solve problems that are worsening our site's ranking. As we have come to expect from Onder, the cooperation went well and this full SEO audit has given us concrete tools to work on ourselves."

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"We started working with Bureau Onder in September 2022. At the introductory meeting with Martijn, there was an immediate 'click'. It felt right away. Besides the now significant results achieved, I am very satisfied with the cooperation with the team of Bureau Onder (Bart and Jesse). Bart is a professional, who does not settle for the obvious answer and always delivers just that 'bit' extra. He gives me the confidence, that with Bureau Onder, Homie has the right SEO partner."

Maurice van Gaalen

Team Homie
Future Factory logo

The Factory of the Future

"During the development of the Jewish Cultural Quarter's new website, we partnered with agency Onder to best onder bring the exhibitions, onderwij programmes and our four locations to the attention of visitors. Jesse, Ivo, and Ineke provided us with expert SEO advice assisted during the migration from the old website to the new one, internal SEO training sessions of our team, and work hard to maintain and grow our traffic."

photo author testimonial

Nanne Brouwer

Strategist and facilitator
logo Zehnder


" During the migration of our website, we enlisted the help of Onder, which proved to be a good choice. They advised and ondersupported us throughout the process, and this resulted in us seeing our organic positions return quickly after the migration and not having to sacrifice much on our SEO traffic. Super!

In addition, the whole team is a bit wiser through two interactive trainings, one around SEO by Ineke and one around GA4 by Cynthia. Very valuable. In short, looking for a fine and good SEO party? Then you have come to the right place at Onder. "

image review zehder

Marieke Schulenburg

Marketing & Online lead project manager
testimonial yoursurprise


We asked Onder to help us manage the YourSurprise brand, an ecommerce with multilingual domains, each of which brings with it different challenges.
Challenges that Martijn and Tristan were able to meet competently, working closely with our in-house SEO team.
Onder is a professional and competent agency with large-scale experience.
It has supported us in various projects, clarified doubts and answered our questions, allowing us to grow professionally and as a brand.

testimonial yoursurprise

Feliscia Silva

SEO channel specialist at YourSurprise
testimonial light bulb cheap

Bulb Cheap

"At Gloeilampgoedkoop, we are working on our online growth. Agency Onder, with Ivo and Ineke as contacts, have helped us with their honest and transparent approach. They optimise our content and we see stable growth in organic traffic. The cooperation is smooth and efficient, with monthly evaluations. We look forward to continuing this pleasant cooperation."

Jaap Lentjes

Marketing manager Light bulb bargain


We have now been working successfully with Onder for several years. To keep knowledge up-to-date within our team, we recently attended in-house training at Ineke.

During an interactive session, Ineke brought our knowledge of SEO up to date. Theory was combined with interaction in a fun way. Even during the session, we immediately started working with practical examples from our own website. It was a useful tailor-made training that took our knowledge level into account.

Esther Terpstra

Online marketer

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From the first week of working with Onder, I noticed that we were on the right track. Onder acted proactively and I love that! Everything was kept up to date neatly and every week we had a short meeting to go over ongoing issues. We successfully completed our project with Onder and achieved our goals, thanks for that Martijn and your team! Are you hesitating to upgrade your SEO? I say, just do it and you will be happy with the results!

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Menno Leeuwerink

Managing Director


Thanks to good analysis and a comprehensive redirect plan from Martijn and his team, we had a flawless replatforming in which DAKA switched to Magento. Advice to the content team from DAKA have provided better URL structure, category descriptions, meta titles and descriptions. Onder's accessibility and knowledge is very good and for this reason I can definitely recommend Onder as a SEO partner.

Richard Schenderling

Webshop Manager

Green Choice

Martijn has a SEO training given to colleagues from different teams, with different levels of knowledge. Quite a challenge, but with relevant examples from our own website, he made sure that all the information fell perfectly into place. The exercises could also be applied to the website right away, so the training proved its value straight away!

Martijn Koetsier

Online marketer a.i.

Radboud University

Radboud University faced a complex challenge this spring: we wanted to largely switch to an entirely new website (new technology and new look-and-feel), but because that cannot be done in one go, we also had to continue using parts of our old website(s) for a considerable period of time. And, of course, we wanted to continue to be found at least as well by the major search engines. During the SEO migration and the many redirects this required, Martijn and his colleagues helped us very well atonder. Despite the fact that we only had a few weeks to get this right, they got the job done to our complete satisfaction, thanks to their expertise, pragmatism, flexibility and the ability to change gear quickly when circumstances changed.

Marien de Clercq

Project manager CustomerOnline


Martijn and Mariska make the SEO story understandable for the layman and are happy to think along with us. It is nice that there is a personal contact moment every month with an extensive report and the opportunity to talk everything through. After just a few months, Onder has already managed to achieve number 1 positions on Google with some of our webshop pages. We are very satisfied with Onder.

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Marten Stellingwerf



When your online onderneming grows, expectations often grow too, in every area.

To a large extent, we were in control of SEO and its interpretation ourselves. We found out that our own "general view" was no longer sufficient, so we engaged Bureau Onder. Surprising and clear. We have built up a fine collaboration, partly because Martijn also regularly visits our office with Eline or Mariska (depending on the case), which is very valuable to us!

Marien van Stegeren

Owner Kitcentrum

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For us, Bureau Onder is an honest SEO agency that knows what they are talking about. It's nice working with a company that has a lot of dispersed knowledge but also works transparently so we can cooperate well in this. Also regular people you work with so it stays clear. In short; highly recommended! We hope for a long and good collaboration!

Jan Kok



Whether it's about content or technical adjustments, it doesn't matter. Martijn briefs this in a very clear way so that it can be implemented locally or by our head office in France. [...] Since the start of our collaboration, we have achieved great results. Keep it up!

Renzo van Dongen

Renzo van Dongen

Digital content manager Peugeot

Klimate & Light bulb bargain

Always a thoughtful and professional look at our SEO issues. With this, we achieve a nice and stable growth on our SEO reach, with the icing on the cake a number 1 position for one of our most important keywords within 1 year of our site going live!

Edward Bartels

Owner of Klimate and Lightbulb Cheap


Martijn and Ineke's specialist knowledge and structured approach have helped Solarfields enormously with our positioning in the (online) market. This includes the wireframes of our website, the findability of our organisation, the details of our online campaigns and tips on the search behaviour of our main target groups.

David de Jong

Marketing Manager Solarfields
Logo Si Es An


We really enjoy working with Martijn & Ineke. They think along with you, have many ideas and see the extra points where more can be achieved. We see the marketing of our camping Overijssel grow in the clear reports and can thus continue working pleasantly with a strong foundation behind them. Can't figure it out? Martijn and Ineke have a solution!

Paulien Hooikammer

Marketing assistant Camping Si-Es-An


Martijn has been working for us as a SEO expert for some time now, helping us to get more out of Google. It's not an hourly-bill work because Martijn also takes us through the how-and-what and its importance so there is also a lot of knowledge sharing. All this with a lot of humour which makes the cooperation incredibly fun. Should Martijn ever be looking for a new job, he is more than welcome to join us.

Annemieke Doornbos

Online marketer

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If someone asks me to SEO advice I always point immediately to Martijn. Martijn is proactive, committed and thinks in terms of achieving goals. With great expertise, he is the man to structurally improve your SEO positions. He is also a great guy to work with.

Henk-Jan Kosse



For several years, Onder has been a valued partner of Stella. Martijn is my sparring partner for complex SEO issues and the extra pair of critical eyes that keeps us on our toes. Together, we have achieved nice growth in online visibility, visitor numbers and leads. Onder onder stands out for its short lines of communication and professionalism. They speak our language: don't nag, get down to business. That is what we love!

Mark Prummel

SEO Specialist Stella Bikes


The SEO training that Martijn conducted for the dTLS. team was very informative. Martijn knows well how to outline all the issues that are important when it comes to achieving a good SEO position. Martijn not only goes into the content aspects of SEO, but above all he gives extensive attention to technical SEO. He conveys this in a calm and enjoyable way. If you also want to get serious about SEO, I definitely recommend training with Martijn!

Rianne Jacobs-Schouten



In the SEO field, Finner has accumulated quite a lot of knowledge over the years. It was therefore not easy to find a good sparring partner. We certainly found one in Martijn. When migrating to a new domain and website, he helped us excellently. He is substantively strong, honest and a nice person.

Bart Spronk

Co-founder Finner
Logo Haardhoutcompany.nl


With the relocation of eight different webshops in six months, you don't always have to deal with a prepared bed. No problem at all for Martijn. Besides his thorough knowledge in the field of SEO (both in advice and implementation), he is also an excellent discussion partner and helped give direction to this extensive process for us. As far as we are concerned, SEO knowledge and expertise, analytical ability and a pleasant manner of interacting are right up his street. Let's just hope he doesn't get too busy.

Jack van Nieuwenhuizen


Marketing Crew

Martijn took the entire Marketing Crew team into the world of SEO. Really all onder topics were covered during the SEO training and we went into a lot of depth. This made it immediately clear to us that Martijn is extremely knowledgeable. We dealt with our own cases, so that we could immediately apply the knowledge we had gained to our own projects. It really was a very valuable training.

Larissa Braam

Marketing and communication specialist

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Pension Visor

The SEO world is full of self-appointed gurus. Some know better than others. Not infrequently, they crack each other down and sell new services or sites. So the key is to find a good supplier... In this search, Martijn was referred by another company. Martijn is a breath of fresh air in this world. Modest, a thinker, finally a consultant who does not make empty promises. The whole process takes time, money and patience. After several months, there were sufficient results. We are happy to recommend Martijn to companies, who want serious onder support in their SEO policy.

Marcel Wallage



SEO is unfortunately not a list you can tick off to rank higher in Google. Good SEO management is hard work, being constantly 'on top of it' and a lot of patience. Martijn knows this like no other and that is exactly what he stands for. His knowledge is always up-to-date and he often comes up with smart suggestions. Concept, but also (partly) execution is in good hands with him. His reporting style is to-the-point and easy to understand. Martijn is a SEO-phile with a mountain of experience that I can warmly recommend to anyone not hiring out space!

Joost Kleine Snuverink

Logo Seeders


I have been working with Martijn Hoving (Onder) in various ways for several years. In a 5-week training course, Martijn gave our team a refresher course on SEO. The SEO training consisted of five-part sessions, covering the various components of SEO. Our team found the training very inspiring. Martijn made it clear to our team that SEO is always evolving and a website is never finished. Martijn's knowledge of SEO is current and progressive. The course was easy to follow and interesting for both beginners and advanced users.

Dennis Akkerman

Logo Go-kids


We have worked with several SEO specialists but Martijn is zonder any doubt the best. Martijn knows how to give good advice both technically and content-wise and is also not afraid to get his hands dirty. He thinks proactively, steps outside the box and shares his knowledge zonder some restraint. And last but not least, Martijn keeps appointments! We therefore warmly recommend Martijn.

Riëtte Mulder

Logo fideo


I know, from my past as a SEO copywriter, a few things about SEO. But I am far from knowing everything. In addition, I would like to work with SEO structurally, but lack time and focus. In Onder I have found a party that keeps me on my toes. In a monthly briefing, we agree on what I do and what the Onder team does. After one such month, we meet to discuss progress. This is a stick for me to keep writing content and, together with Onder, to climb to the first page of Google with as many terms as possible. Onder also manages an 'always-on' SEA campaign for Fideo. This has generated very nice clients and sales of tens of thousands of euros in recent months. A high result when you consider the small cost of advertising. For me, Onder is the absolute SEO and SEA expert. A fine marketing partner with whom you communicate in plain human language, and with humour.

Alexandar Djuric



Since we started working with "Onder", our entire campaign structure has changed. This has saved us a lot of costs per month. The team at "Onder" keep a tight rein on agreements and regularly come up with new ideas themselves. The monthly progress meetings always provide new insights and new ideas to push the growth even harder. They are very involved and give us the feeling that they want the best for Sportswearonline. We are very satisfied with "Onder" and recommend them to everyone.

Rene Esvelt


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Martijn is a good SEO specialist and we at SnappCar enjoy working with him. In various areas (technical, content, link building), Martijn helps us. From working out a complete technical plan to writing a meta-description. Martijn always has his feet in the clay and proactively goes to work for you. If you are looking for a SEO specialist, I can heartily recommend Martijn.

Tom Giethoorn

Online marketer
Logo Smienk


Onder helped Smienk connect the dots (despite there being no 'i' at all in SEO). We were also helped with new ideas for quality link building. A very pleasant cooperation in which no 'unnecessary seo packages' are pushed but optimal use is made of mutual capacities. If you are looking for a seo expert who can help you on a high level, Martijn/Onder is the place to be!

Jan-Peter Boer



Martijn is a pleasant person to work with, he thinks along and proactively comes up with SEO advice. For Weflycheap, we switched from a WordPress website to an entirely new website with headless CMS. Martijn helped us manage the data migration (which was quite a lot), zonder lose our SEO positions. He helped optimise our front-end and website speed and trained us in performing SEO analyses, etc. In short, a very pleasant collaboration that is very useful!

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Jeroen Horstman