image help website migration
Jesse Commandeur

Jesse Commandeur

Content & Authority Specialist
13-7-2023 Technical SEO,

Help with a SEO migration: This is what a SEO agency can do for you

Are you planning to migrate your website? Then read about what a SEO agency can do for you. After all, a SEO agency can help ensure a successful migration. SEO agencies have the knowledge, experience and expertise to migrate your website. From drawing up a migration plan to optimising the new website for search engines, a SEO agency can contribute to a successful migration. Read on quickly to discover why enlisting the help of a SEO agency is a wise choice.

What can a SEO agency do for a website migration?

When planning a website migration, it is a good idea to get the help of a SEO desk engage. This is because a SEO agency has knowledge, expertise and experience that are crucial for a website migration.

It is also important at the SEO migration, that the data is also applied at SEO. This includes transferring existing keywords, redirecting old URLs to new ones and optimising the website structure. A SEO agency will make sure the migration goes smoothly, for example by setting up 301 redirects and updating the sitemap.

A SEO agency can also offer onder support in optimising the content on your website so that it complies with the SEO guidelines. This involves, for example, adjusting titles, meta-titles, headers and content on the website.

Which parties are involved in a migration?

A website migration involves a number of parties, all playing one specific role within the migration. Here are some of the key parties:

  1. Client: The owner of the company who commissions a website migration.
  2. SEO agency: A SEO agency is present during the process, to provide technical expertise and SEO advice. A SEO agency also helps plan, implement and optimise the migration.
  3. Web developers: The web developers are involved in the technical aspects of the migration. Such as transferring the content, optimising the website and implementing redirects.
  4. Content team: The content team is responsible for creating, editing and migrating content from the old to the new website. They also implement the SEO agency's SEO advice.

For the migration, it is important that these parties all work together to ensure a successful migration via this way.

Why a SEO migration?

A SEO migration can be performed for several reasons. Described hereonder are some of the reasons why a SEO migration can be performed:

  1. Improved website performance: A SEO migration can be done first to improve the technical aspects of the website. Think of responsiveness, loading speed or user experience.
  2. Website restructuring: Restructuring of the website may be necessary to improve the user experience. For example, by better organising the content.
  3. Merger or an acquisition: If a company is taken over, the website may need to be transferred. This involves merging all content into one website.
  4. Technical upgrades: If the content management system, the CMS, is upgraded, a SEO migration may be required. So that all content, links and SEO elements are correctly transferred to the new environment.

How a SEO migration can go completely haywire

A SEO migration does not always go well, even if a SEO desk is present at the process, for example. In his video, Martijn Hoving explains the common mistakes in a SEO migration.

What are the proper steps of a SEO migration

 A SEO migration involves a number of steps that need to be performed. These steps are onderaken to successfully transfer the website from the old, to the new environment. These are the following steps:

  1. Preparation: Before carrying out a SEO migration, there should always be a plan This involves analysing the current website, looking at strengths and weaknesses and determining the purpose of the migration.
  2. Keyword-onderzoek: Performing a keyword-onderzoek determines which keywords are relevant to the new website. And which ones should be used in the structure of the website.
  3. URL structure and redirects: A website migration also requires the creation of a new URL structure. This should be logical and optimised. This step also involves setting up 301 redirects so that they are set from the old URLs to the new ones.
  4. Optimising content: Optimising new and existing content is relevant for a new website. Because it impacts website structure and keywords. This involves improving titles, meta-titles, headings, internal links and other SEO tasks.
  5. Technical implementation: This step looks at the technical aspects, such as updating the sitemap, improving loading speed and optimising the website for mobile.
  6. Monitoring and adjusting: After the migration is complete, it is essential to track and keep an eye on performance. Such as organic traffic, so that any errors or negative effects can be fixed.

Our website features a SEO migration checklist, setting out all the steps to ensure a successful migration.

The next steps for you

At Onder, we understand the importance of a successful website migration and are ready to help you with it. We offer expert assistance and onder support throughout the process to ensure a smooth and successful website migration. We are happy to outline a complete plan for you, to ensure the website migration goes as smoothly as possible.

Our SEO specialists are ready to set up a detailed SEO schedule for you. By working well together, together we will ensure that your website migration is a success! Also interested in a SEO planning for website migration? Then feel free to take a look at our website!



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Renzo van Dongen

Renzo van Dongen

Digital content manager Peugeot

Whether it's about content or technical adjustments, it doesn't matter. Martijn briefs this in a very clear way so that it can be implemented locally or by our head office in France. [...] Since the start of our collaboration, we have achieved great results. Keep it up!

Marien van Stegeren

Eigenaar Kitcentrum

When your online onder venture grows, expectations often grow too, in every area. To a large extent, we were in control of SEO and its interpretation ourselves. We found out that our own "general view" was no longer sufficient, so we engaged Bureau Onder. Surprising and clear. We have built up a fine collaboration, partly because Martijn also regularly visits our office with Eline or Mariska (depending on the case), which is very valuable to us!

Marten Stellingwerf


Martijn and Mariska make the SEO story understandable for the layman and are happy to think along with us. It is nice that there is a personal contact moment every month with an extensive report and the opportunity to talk everything through. After just a few months, Onder has already managed to achieve number 1 positions on Google with some of our webshop pages. We are very satisfied with Onder.

Mark Prummel

SEO Specialist Stella Fietsen

For several years, Onder has been a valued partner of Stella. Martijn is my sparring partner for complex SEO issues and the extra pair of critical eyes that keeps us on our toes. Together, we have achieved nice growth in online visibility, visitor numbers and leads. Onder onder stands out for its short lines of communication and professionalism. They speak our language: don't nag, get down to business. That is what we love!


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