Author: Martijn Hoving

Setting the right priorities in SEO work

22-9-2022 Other Martijn Hoving

A successful SEO journey is a combination of sufficient resources and doing the right things. Capacity in the form of people remains scarce, making it even more important to make the right choices when it comes to allocating your time. But how do you decide where to start? Uncertainties in the life of SEO specialists There are unfortunately plenty of uncertainties in the life of a SEO specialist. And we are not talking about rising gas prices

Ecommerce SEO checklist: 28 tips to increase your visibility

21-7-2022 How to/DIY Martijn Hoving

Many an Ecommerce platform is pretty SEO friendly by itself, but that does not mean that all signals in terms of SEO are already green. In Magento, you will still have to make a big deal of your own. The same goes for Lightspeed, Shopify and WordPress/Woocommerce. Not to mention custom Ecommerce solutions (although we ourselves see our best-run Ecommerce customers running on custom solutions). The basics of a webshop are, of course, all about categories and products. To have SEO success

The ROI of SEO

9-6-2022 Other Martijn Hoving

Nice, that SEO. But what will it get me? Every decision-maker or business owner No business owner or marketing manager feels like burning a budget, zonder that there is something in return. This is why we often get asked what SEO will bring to our (potential) clients. And this is also a question that the average in-house SEO specialist or freelance SEO specialist sees thrown at them. "It depends" is certainly not an answer in this case, because investments are now justifiable

Index coverage in Search Console: your website's SEO control room

5-5-2022 Technical SEO Martijn Hoving

Anyone who ever drives a car knows the moment: an orange light suddenly lights up on your dashboard. For me these days, a reason to go to a car garage rather quickly. Only to find out there that pretty much nothing is wrong. Such an orange light signals an expected problem in your car. There are also red lights, which often report a serious problem where it is not convenient to go through

The sense and nonsense of low-hanging fruit within SEO

17-3-2022 Other Martijn Hoving

Low-hanging fruit. Even within the SEO world, this is a fairly common term on which opinions are divided. Even in our office. Low-hanging fruit stands for results that a company can easily achieve. Quick actions that therefore also pay off relatively quickly. I myself have been in camp 'low-hanging fruit allergy' for years and that has nothing to do with an intolerance for apples. In this story, I'm happy to explain why! First of all, let's say that

SEO tools: our crawling toolset and handy tips for crawling your website

13-1-2022 Other Martijn Hoving

Crawl, crawl or crawling. No, we are not talking about Linkin Park's world-famous hit and certainly not about what babies do pretty much from month 6 onwards. In this context, by 'crawling' we mean one of the search engine's most important processes. Because zonder the crawling process, a search engine would not exist. Crawling URLs means nothing more than following hyperlinks and discovering (new) URLs and changes. Crawling tools mimic this process, which

The T-shaped SEO specialist

1-12-2021 (Content) marketing Martijn Hoving

A structured data consultancy, a content briefing, a core update analysis, a link building approach and a cornerstone article. Just a few diverse onder parts of the life of a SEO specialist. Our field is an ever-widening discipline. Does the SEO specialist as we used to know it still exist? Yes. And no. We believe that a SEO specialist should be "T-shaped". In this article, we are happy to explain why! SEO and its many onder parts The purpose of the SEO specialist

Competitive analysis within online marketing and SEO

30-9-2021 (Content) marketing Martijn Hoving

'Complaining about the strength of the competition is in reality often just complaining about the lack of ideas' (Walther Rathenau). A thought-provoking quote that sometimes does contain a grain of truth. Nevertheless, competitor analysis is an important onder part in the (online) marketing mix. After all, analysing competitors can also provide ideas and inspiration for one's own approach. But how do you approach a market analysis? And why, as SEO specialists, do we always end up with other competitors on

The summer of updates: Google Core update June 2021

15-7-2021 Google Martijn Hoving

Summer 2021 is a tumultuous summer: the Netherlands is still in the grip of the pandemic, the European Football Championship was on the short side for orange, South Limburg is flooded and.... Google is making hefty algorithm adjustments again. Just as many a SEO specialist is celebrating holidays, the visibility of many websites goes up and down. This summer, to be precise, we count four major Google updates in the algorithm. Which also makes it extra

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