As a marketer, you want to make sure your website is found by users when they search for your products or services. When your website is indexed by Google and displayed in search results, it can be useful to know which pages are indexed. This way, you can check if any pages are missing from the index or if there are other issues that need to be addressed. In this article, we look at some ways to check whether a new page is
Cost per mille (CPM) is a method of calculating the ad buying price. It is the amount to be paid as an advertiser for every 1,000 readers his ad reaches. This method is also used in radio or TV advertising. CPM is the most common way of estimating advertising costs and qua invoice. What is CPM advertising? Cost per mille, abbreviated as CPM, is a method for calculating the purchase price of ads. It is the amount that
When you have a problem, you need to find information. Whether it's information about your homework assignment or an article about what to do if your mother doesn't buy you a third pair of new trainers this month, finding that information is the first step in solving the problem. Finding information is called "searching" and is something computers are very good at. This blog post explains what search is and what it
Click-through rate (CTR) is an important metric for any SEO specialist. If your CTR is high, it means that people are interested in your search results and are clicking on them. If your CTR is low, you have to work harder to get people to click on your search result. Wondering what CTR stands for? Read on to find out! Click-through rate is the number of times users click on a search result divided by the number of times the ad was shown -
The world is becoming increasingly digital. Gone are the days when people looked for a company's location and opening hours on paper. Today, most customers will use smartphones to find out info. With this increased emphasis on digital presence, local SEO has become more important than ever. What is local SEO? Local SEO is optimising your website so that it appears higher in search results when users search for businesses in your area. With
A website crawl is a process by which search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo! onder search the content of your website and index it in search results. A crawl can be performed manually or automatically. The latter happens when you have a robot.txt file on your site and the crawler knows not to open certain directories. When crawling a website, the crawler prioritises certain pages, such as home, category or contact pages. In this article, more about crawling
If you've built a website, you want users to be able to find it. How do you make that happen? The first step is to get Google to index the website so that when users search for relevant keywords, the site will appear in the results. Zonder to be indexed by Google, most users won't even be able to find your website. In this article, we explain what indexing means and how it is related to SEO. What does indexing mean? Indexing
Google considers it important that websites are user-friendly and have a logical structure. For this, it is important to add internal links to your website. Strong navigation is essential for both users and search engines. By organising your site's content well, visitors find what they need faster and it becomes easier for search engines to crawl your site. Internal links also help users return to relevant content faster. Quickly read more about the
Google searches a huge number of web pages every day to find the most useful results for its users. The search engine uses various signals to determine which websites should appear first in search results. These signals - called "ranking factors" or "signals" - indicate how relevant and reliable Google considers a website to be. The more signals your site has, the higher it will rank in Google. But how do you score higher in Google? In this knowledge base article, we explain everything
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