As an online marketer, you know all too well the importance of keeping your business fresh and up-to-date. Especially in this day and age where developments are flying around our ears. With the right strategy, your company's website should overcome them. To avoid potential difficulties, such as making it harder for visitors to find information they need, you need to make sure your website is ready for the future. However, migrating a website is not always easy. There are different types of migrations, each with their advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss some types of migrations.
With a protocol change, the url changes from HTTP to HTTPS. Both are intended for sending data over the internet. However, HTTPS is a security tighter because data can be sent encrypted. The SSL certificate ensures that messages can only be viewed after they have been decrypted. With an HTTP, you can view messages immediately. An HTTPS is therefore a more secure connection. While setting up your website, you may not have thought about this. A migration can solve this problem.
A ccTLD stands for a country code Top-Level Domain. Translated into Dutch, this is a country code top-level domain. This always consists of two letters and ends the URL. Dutch websites have a ccTLD '.nl' and Belgian websites '.be'. You can go from your ccTLD '.nl' to, say, '.com'. There can be several reasons for this. One of the main ones is that your company is going international.
If your company's current name is no longer appropriate anyway, you can change it. It is then important to change the name in the URL as well. All links on your website will then have to be changed.
These are the changes made to the site structure that affect the internal linking and URL structure.
It is important to keep in mind whatever type of migration you choose, it will take time. A quiet period is the most favourable situation to carry out a migration. That way, visitors are least affected by the changes. Will you let your SEO migration gladly leave it to the specialists? Then take contact on. We will be happy to help.
As a SEO agency, we are experts in optimising websites for search engines and offer comprehensive training. Are you interested in a live SEO analysis To get instant insight into the performance of your website? Our specialists can help you with a technical SEO analysis, paying attention to issues such as load time, URL structure and mobile-friendliness.
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Our team consists of enthusiastic SEO specialists who are happy to work with you for the best results.
Whether it's about content or technical adjustments, it doesn't matter. Martijn briefs this in a very clear way so that it can be implemented locally or by our head office in France. [...] Since the start of our collaboration, we have achieved great results. Keep it up!
When your online onder venture grows, expectations often grow too, in every area. To a large extent, we were in control of SEO and its interpretation ourselves. We found out that our own "general view" was no longer sufficient, so we engaged Bureau Onder. Surprising and clear. We have built up a fine collaboration, partly because Martijn also regularly visits our office with Eline or Mariska (depending on the case), which is very valuable to us!
Martijn and Mariska make the SEO story understandable for the layman and are happy to think along with us. It is nice that there is a personal contact moment every month with an extensive report and the opportunity to talk everything through. After just a few months, Onder has already managed to achieve number 1 positions on Google with some of our webshop pages. We are very satisfied with Onder.
For several years, Onder has been a valued partner of Stella. Martijn is my sparring partner for complex SEO issues and the extra pair of critical eyes that keeps us on our toes. Together, we have achieved nice growth in online visibility, visitor numbers and leads. Onder onder stands out for its short lines of communication and professionalism. They speak our language: don't nag, get down to business. That is what we love!
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