As an online marketer, you know all too well the importance of keeping your business fresh and up-to-date. Especially in this day and age where developments are flying around our ears. With the right strategy, your company's website should overcome them. To avoid potential difficulties, such as making it harder for visitors to find information they need, you need to make sure your website is ready for the future. However, migrating a website is
Why would you need a SEO copywriter? What exactly is SEO copywriting? And how should it be done? These questions are very important for marketers in this digital age. One of the most effective ways to reach potential customers is through content marketing. With content marketing, you make sure you reach potential customers directly with informative and educational content. It is also one of the most cost-effective strategies, making it a win-win situation for businesses of
If you have recently migrated your website to another domain or CMS, you may be worried about how this will affect your search engine optimisation (SEO). Will users be able to find the new site? Will existing backlinks still point to the right pages? These are just some of the questions that may come to mind. Fortunately, migrating a website is not as difficult as it used to be. Thanks to excellent processes such as content aware crawlers and pre-built migration tools, you can
In an ideal world, migrating your website from one platform to another would be a breeze. You simply update all the new site URLs and redirects in your old CMS and let the crawlers do their thing. In reality, however, it can get messy. Mistakes are often made when transferring content from one site to another. URLs are often fragmented and redirected somewhere onder way. This makes it difficult for search engines
When you have a problem, you need to find information. Whether it's information about your homework assignment or an article about what to do if your mother doesn't buy you a third pair of new trainers this month, finding that information is the first step in solving the problem. Finding information is called "searching" and is something computers are very good at. This blog post explains what search is and what it
Creating content that visitors to your website find interesting, useful or relevant is a great way to get people to understand more about you and what you do. It is also a great way to ensure that your website is found by search engines like Google. Content also helps people connect with you and your business on an emotional level. Creating lots of content also has another benefit: it keeps your site
Google considers it important that websites are user-friendly and have a logical structure. For this, it is important to add internal links to your website. Strong navigation is essential for both users and search engines. By organising your site's content well, visitors find what they need faster and it becomes easier for search engines to crawl your site. Internal links also help users return to relevant content faster. Quickly read more about the
Duplicate content is a problem that many website owners face. This is because having too much of this duplicate content can lead to problems with search engine crawlers. Search engines like Google have become quite adept at detecting duplicate content and penalising websites. In fact, duplicate content can be a red flag to the crawler that the site is not trustworthy. There are several ways by which you get duplicate content on your website, but
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